Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 18 - wind at our backs !!

We woke this morning to the promise of a better day, a bit of blue could be seen in the sky and even though it was chilly it was definitely warmer then yesterday.
I took my time getting out of camp today and once on the road quickly had to shed my rain coat as I was to warm, the temperature was around 14 degrees.
Right from the start the wind was in our favor , and more and more blue sky appeared, so I decided to take it easy for the first half of the ride and just enjoy the prairies. With sunshine it was easier to appreciate it , it’s like a quilt of green and yellows with some blue and trees mixed in for accent and it goes on forever !, I also managed to take more pictures today .
We stopped in Kenaston to see the “Big Snowman” he stands 5.5 miters tall, and while in town all crowded into the local dinner for lunch . After lunch we took a more southerly route and now the wind was really behind us and the last 60 km were effortless . A stop was made at Davidson to see the “ Bid Coffee Pot” and eat my peanut-butter sandwiches and from there a quick run into camp. 
The rain held off until after dinner today and it only rained for about a half hour then the sun came back.
Once again there is a poor signal here so I can not upload the blog , will try tomorrow again .
Total ridden today: 126.1 - average : 25.3 - ridding time : 4.58

Gain elevators are slowly disappearing on the prairies we are told.

The long road , is you look carefully you can see the rider ahead of me .

The prairies are littered with these old abandoned farm buildings , kind of sad to see, but very intriguing as you wonder who lived here and when ?

There has been a lot of rain this year , it's nice as everything is green but the farmers are suffering as the conditions have prevented them from seeding and now it is too late as the growing season is so short.

Stopping in Kindersley for lunch

The Big Snowman stands 5.5 mitres tall

The Big Coffee Pot ind Davidson

Old wagon used to build roads

At our camp ground 

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